Friday 5th March 2021

Good morning everyone, we hope that you and your families are well

Today is another screen free day.

So we want you to choose some things from our list, write them down and then turn off your computer and spend the morning doing nice things without looking at a screen of any kind.

  • Set up an obstacle course in your garden.
  • Make up a dance routine to your favourite song.
  • Write an acrostic poem about your favourite animal.
  • Find a quiet corner in your house and sit quietly and listen, write a list of all the different noises that you can hear in half an hour.
  • Build something out of materials from your recycle bin. 
  • Draw a picture and then write a story about what happens next .
  • Use your toys to create a puppet show to re-enact your favourite story.
  • Practise the sport skill you have been trying to master: maybe it’s keepy-uppys, skipping, juggling  or trampolining.
  • Go for a walk with an adult looking for snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils.
  • Draw a picture of what you can see outside your window.
  • Listen to your favourite song- draw a picture that matches the sound or the lyrics. 
  • Go for a walk in the woods.
  • Play a board game. 
  • Find a quiet and comfy spot, sit and read your favourite book to yourself.
  • Ask a grown up if you can bake something together
  • Create a nature trail around your garden or on your street. 
  • Collect some objects from nature and make a picture. 
  • Play hopscotch with a grown up or sibling.
  • Take the first letter of your name, draw it as large as you can and then fill it with little drawings of as many things beginning with that letter as you can
  • Read a book out loud- to your grown up, your brother or sister or even your pet. 
  • Create a treasure hunt around your house. 
  • With your grown-up’s permission, ring a family member or friend and chat to them about their day. 
  • Collect 10 or more little things and put them on a tray cover them with a towel and see if you can remember them all.
  • Throw a ball into a bucket, take a step back can you still throw it in? Take a step back can you still get it in? Keep going until you are as far away as possible
  • Design a Friday poster

We hope that you have a happy and busy day.

We also hope that you have a good weekend and we’re really looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Morgan and Mrs Bentley

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